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Our Campaign to Defeat Donald Trump

In 2024, we stand at a crossroads as a nation, and as the working class. The UAW is fighting for a government that works for workers, and against a billionaire class that wants to take back the White House, Congress, and our society as a whole. Get involved in our campaign to defeat Donald Trump and fight for a government that works for workers.

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Take Action

Tell Congress: Support the Tax Credit for Union-Made Electric Vehicles made in the U.S.

The tax credit of an additional $4,500 for union-made electric vehicles made in the U.S. is a win for UAW members, unorganized autoworkers, and the entire labor movement. The provision:

  • Supports the high standards in wages, benefits, and safety that UAW members have bargained for in the auto industry
  • Incentivizes nonunion companies to stop spending millions on union busters and to allow their workers to form their unions freely
  • Encourages U.S. auto manufacturers to bring back jobs they offshored

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